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Kostenloses Dokument: 5 Tipps wie Sie Ihre Geldausgaben optimieren


Dieses englischsprachige Handbuch von Autor und Erfolgstrainer Steve Chitty richtet sich an Unternehmer, Freiberufler und alle, die zwar gutes Geld verdienen, aber trotzdem Schwierigkeiten haben, ihren Kopf über Wasser zu halten. Fünf einfache Tipps helfen Ihnen, mehr Kontrolle über Ihre Finanzen zu erhalten. (PDF-Datei, 25 Seiten, 268 KB)

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Grobe Voransicht des Dokuments: '5 Tipps wie Sie Ihre Geldausgaben optimieren' (Teil 8):

portfolio of investment properties and
managed funds and were now contemplating retiring and driving around the
country in a house bus. They had made some serious sacrifices throughout their
life that now meant they were financially free. Now contrast this to the man I
mentioned at the beginning of this booklet who earned a million dollars a year.
Who do you think faced the brighter future? The man earning a large amount or
the couple earning an average amount?
If you diligently apply these five secrets, even when it hurts, things will come
together with results you could never have imagined. These principles are time
proven and are the opposite habits of people who don't keep much of their own
money. To keep more of the money you earn you will need to commit time to
implementing and experimenting with these principles. Last of all you will also
need to have bit of faith. Faith in the process and faith in yourself!
5 Secrets to Help You Keep More of the Money You Earn
1. Keep Your Eye on the Goal and Delay Your Gratification
2. Know the Score (Track Your Finances!)
3. Create a System that Tells Your Money Where to Go
4. Pay Yourself First
5. Create Fat in the System
It doesn't really matter how much you make – it's what you do with it that matters.
© Steve Chitty 2011
From The Author
The desire to gain more control over our finances is
something that is relevant to us all. Some of us may feel
we are losing the battle completely whilst others are
simply looking for an 'edge', or, a few helpful tips to boost
their success. No matter what your starting point, we all
share the common desire to improve our situation and my
sincere hope is that this booklet helps you further along
your journey.
The more control we can gain over our finances the more we are able to help
others too. You may have noticed this booklet raises the topic of giving, whether
it is giving to a charity you believe in or giving to people that just need a 'hand
up'. By creating your own financial system you can enjoy that very deep
satisfaction of knowing you are helping yourself and helping others also.
I am happy to be contacted for an informal chat about any of the principles
covered in this book. You can contact me at steve@newday.hk or through my
website at www.newday.hk.
All the very best to you!
Steve Chitty holds a Bachelor of Education, a Diploma in Teaching, a Certificate IV in Life Coaching and a Post Graduate
Diploma in Business and Administration.
This publication is designed to provide competent and reliable information regarding the subject matter covered. However,
it is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, financial or other
professional advice. Laws and practices often vary from state to state and if legal or other expert assistance is required,
the services of a professional should be sought. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any liability that is incurred
from the use or application of the contents of this book.

Grobe Voransicht des Dokuments: '5 Tipps wie Sie Ihre Geldausgaben optimieren':  Teil 1, Teil 2, Teil 3, Teil 4, Teil 5, Teil 6, Teil 7, Teil 8

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